
The Electronic

Welcome to the Electronic Commissioning System where we aim to streamline and automate the commissioning process for video entertainment at the SABC. It is the strategy of the SABC, as the national public broadcaster, to produce a wide range of high quality local programs that reflect the diverse cultures, languages, life experiences, interests and needs of its audiences.

Important Notice: As of Friday, 6th December at 16:00, all 100% Commission Submissions will be placed on hold. We will continue accepting and processing AFPs, Licenses, Pre-Sales, and other Hybrid formats as usual.
Thank you for your understanding.

In pursuance of this, the SABC seeks to promote and develop a vibrant local production industry through a fair, transparent and equitable acquisition process. It shall further seek to deliver on the national goals of Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment.

LaLa Tuku

SABC 1 for the South African Youth

Due to demographics, mostly black but accommodates, coloured, Indian and must also include white youth - African languages skewed to Nguni and English Predominantly in Urban Townships, small urban areas and peri-urban after celebrity, Pop Culture, brands; Seeking identity and focus on enjoying life, Need approval/recognition; Segment is self-reliant. There is a huge emotional need for safety, and the feeling that somebody is taking ownership of the problem. Interested in a number of sport activities, for example soccer and basketball; Outdoor bodies. Also interested in technological advancements and gadgets - focusing on South Africa Entertainment & friends are important to them. Are conscious of the inequalities of the past especially with regards to jobs and worried about the future.

S2 Logo

SABC 2 the family channel

All South African races skewed to Black, Coloured and White (Afrikaans) viewers. A spread of African languages. Are most patriotic segment; outspoken on moral issues. Intense interest and involvement in community affairs. Place emphasis on cultural activities & are defined by customs and traditions. Home language and culture is important to them. Forward thinking particularly in matters relating to the country but believe in learning from the past and never forgetting it. Have an understanding of the nation's history. Focusing on family, children and preparing for their future - investments, savings, health etc.

S3 Logo

SABC 3 for the progressive millenials

Global Citizen strives for financial independence, focusing on the gig economy, Pioneers. All races, 25-35 English with 20% African languages including Afrikaans "New" professionals, Mostly Urban - trend setters and nostalgic. Non traditional definition of family extending to friends. Contemporary but conscious and clear of history and identity and building the future Focused on the self and open minded. Advocates for new ways of thinking and wants acknowledgement for their achievements while creating room for the celebration of other achievements. Heavy media users; great interest in information and constantly seeking opportunities for growth. Digitally Savvy. Contemporary lifestyle. Fashion and culture influencers. Critical and Cynical approach to life. Highly interested in new formats of sports (E-games) and the world travel. Interested in both local and international trends, news and key activities - Very vocal on politics. Conscious of their budget but somewhat free spirited.
